The Top Important iPhone Applications
By Thomas Martinez
Most of the iPhone Applications are very useful and some are very fun to use. Some of these, however, are a little more important and useful than the others. They help with organization, planning, or just passing a little time.
App Marks
App Marks is a web desktop/application launcher that organizes your favorite web applications, sites, and widgets for your iPhone. Just tap an appmark to launch or use the toolbar to rearrange, add, or remove appmarks. To add some of your own favorites, tap the "+" button and put in the title and URL. To remove appmarks, tap the "edit" button and push the red "-" mark. It is one of the most useful iPhone applications.
Tilt is a motion controlled game for your iPhone. Gameplay is accomplished by simply rotating the phone to feed Flip. He likes to eat falling leaves and butterflies. Tilt uses the iPhone's accelerometer to change gameplay. This game is pretty fun and remotely addictive. It's a great iPhone application.
ISleuth is and iPhone Javascript Client/Server application that allows for the use of a MacBook or and iSight enabled Mac for surveillance purposes. This application transmits images, live, to the iPhone. It auto-scales JPEG images on rotation, has a motion detection indicator, and a phone Number link that dials a destination in case of an emergency. It can be a very useful iPhone application.
GOffice is a basic word processor for your iPhone. It can save files and can export items in Microsoft Word (.doc) format. Results can be emailed to your iPhone or others using a pre-built library of common letters to reduce typing. You can also send documents by US postal mail, worldwide. This can be a very constructive iPhone application feature.
Telekinesis is actually a Mac OS X application, but allows you to access your Mac remotely through a collection of mini web applications on your iPhone. It allows for screen capture with mouse click and basic typing support, simple iTunes remote control, the ability to brose through your files and to use Sight image capture. Telekinesis is a great example of a very useful iPhone application.
Movies.app allows you to search for movies in your zip code and provides you with basic movie information; including length and rating. It also integrates with the Google Maps application to get you directions to the theater, provides a link to buy tickets, and includes links to trailers for the movies as well.
http://www.mytechcafe.com/iphone has other well-written and helpful articles not only related to different kinds of rumored problems and iphone issues, but also other information and resources related to iphone.
This article may be used only in its entirety with all links included.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Martinez
iPhone 3G - Do I Upgrade ?
By Tao Schencks
At the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) this week, Steve Jobs rolled out the anticipated and predicted iPhone 3G to the hungry fans, developers and fanboys.
Whilst to some it has now become the best mobile device on the market by also adopting the use of downloading data via the 3G mobile network which has been estimated at being 3 times faster than the EDGE network and 10 times faster than standard GPRS, it does seem to lack certain features that other manufacturers of mobile devices have had for years. Also the inclusion of assisted GPS has not swayed the public towards the device as some predicted.
It could be seen that Apple are taking a Zen like stance on the iPhone by keeping the design and application of the phone simplistic.
It does email, and can email photos - so why would you need Multi Media Messaging?
Why clog the iPhone up with too many applications that do too much and cause general instability in the underlying operating system? It does make sense for the iPhone to have 3rd party applications and games developed for it, but it also makes sense for there to be some kind of control over the way the applications are developed and deployed to the iPhone. Keeping tabs on each application means that Apple can guarantee that the device will still be stable no matter how many applications you install.
I am sure that all the nay-sayers will be happy once the iPhone App Store launches in July 2008. They will be able to get their multi media messaging, video recording, bluetooth file transfers and copies of Nokia Snake on there to play with. Its all a matter of time.
A large tipping point for the iPhone 3G will be the price. In the UK, the iPhone 3G can be had for as little as £99 with a contract or even for free if the contract taken is worthy enough to deem it. It's a far cry from the launch price of the device which ran into several hundred pounds, plus the monthly contract too!
When the iPhone 3G is released and the app store is released at the same time, this will catapult the iPhone into being the best and most versatile mobile phone you can buy. I suspect that the majority of the popular applications available for the device will be free and this will certainly make it more attractive to people wanting to purchase the device.
For us people who are the early adopters of the iPhone 1G model when it first launched, what have we got in store? What future can we have without the 3G, the GPS and the slightly redesigned body? My answer to that is "everything". We still get the app store, we get the new 2.0 firmware that will update the iPhone with new features and allow the app store to work. We are not loosing out at all. We are winning too! If you want GPS then go buy a TomTom or Garmin device! The iPhone 3G with its built in GPS will do the job - but will it be worth the upgrade fee plus the cost of the TomTom iPhone application when it launches? I think not.
What we do get to keep is an excellent mobile convergence device with new firmware and new applications to play with.
My advice? Unless you have the money to burn? Stay with 1G!
Tao Schencks is an Apple evangelist, a PC and server technician and keeps is real on a daily basis. He loves his family and Microsoft Windows but also is in love with his Macbook Pro and other Apple products.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tao_Schencks
Top Free iPhone Applications - 3 Free Downloads an iPhone User Can't Live Without
Free Downloads an iPhone User Can't Live Without
By M.C. Makr
Apple iPhones come with many cutting edge features, one of which is the ability to install third party applications, just like on the computer. These free iPhone applications add functionality to the iPhone. Maybe you need extra tools to organize your life, or perhaps you are looking to pass time with a fun game. With an iPhone and these top 3 free downloads, you can do just that and more!
For owners of the original iPhone:
1) Gas.app
With gas prices out of control, a tool that tells you real time prices of gas stations in the vicinity is mighty useful. Not only that, gas.app also integrates Google maps so that you will know exactly how to get to that unfamiliar station with the best deal. Also good for traveling, search your trip route to locate the cheapest gas on your next road trip.
2) goMovies
Have the sudden urge to see a movie but away from your computer? goMovies will let you search for movie show times by zipcode. Simple but practical application that movie buffs will find quite useful.
3) iRadio
Get streaming music for just about any genre that strikes your fancy with the iRadio app. Plus, this app shows the song title and artist info and links you directly to lyrics and of course iTunes.
Got a new iPhone G3? There are many excellent free programs on the iPhone App Store. Here's 3 great one's you cant do without:
1) Apple iTunes Remote
Who else wants to turn their iPhone in to a remote for all of the compatible music devices in their home? With this application and your wi-fi network, you can browse your iTunes library from your iPhone and play the songs via remote on your computer, Apple TV or AirTunes speakers.
2) Google Mobile App
The power an reach of everything Google at your fingertips? Priceless! You can search, find businesses, check your gmail, blog to blogger and more. The Google Mobile App is really everything you could want right there on your iPhone. A must have tool!
3) Weather Bug
Get weather on the go with the Weather Bug App. You can look up real time current conditions and severe weather alerts right from your iPhone. There are currently over 45,000 worldwide locations serviced.
Looking for the best Unlimited iPhone Downloads on the Web? Click Here to discover the top download sites.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M.C._Makr
Ten Great Free IPhone Apps
By Kyle Gentile
Different than the average cell phone, the iPhone opens the door in functionality. There are seemingly over a thousand potential uses of the iPhone. Additionally, the iPhone depends on the owner to customize it and the easiest thing you can do is to add free iPhone apps. The variety is huge. If you go to the iTunes apps store, you will find over 250 free iPhone apps. Here is a list of ten that are great.
Labyrinth - This is a version of the classic game of a steel ball and a wooden maze. You actually tilt your iPhone to guide the ball similar to the original. This comes with 10 levels.
Sudoku - This is a puzzle game and there are over 200 different puzzles to solve. You are timed to really see if you are a wiz.
PhoneSaber - This is prefect for those of us that are Star Wars fans. When you activate this free iPhone app, you can swing your phone to make light saber sounds. You have the choice of the color of your light saber and it makes the sounds of extending and retracting the light saber.
Bubble Wrap. This free iPhone app allows to relive your childhood. It allows you to virtually pop bubble wrap and make that recognizable sound.
MySpace - This is a mobile version of the social networking site. You can send messages, receive messages, browse networks, upload photos, and find new friends.
Box Office - This free iPhone app allows you to browse through movies. You can find movie theaters, movie showing times, movie reviews, and movie trailers.
Sports Tap - This free iPhone app gives you all the up to date sports info you can handle. It gives you detailed box score, player stats, and standings.
Currency - It allows you to convert money in 50 different currencies. If you are traveling this could save you money.
Ebay - why not get this for your iPhone? It puts the power of the world largest garage sale on your phone. This way you won't miss out on a bid because you are not around a computer.
Urbanspoon - A free iPhone app that helps you decide where to eat. It actually uses GPS to find the closest restaurants to you. You can then look for specific types of food like Chinese and then you can see the rating.
These again are only some of the free iPhone apps out there. With the relatively short history of the iPhone the list will only grow and so will the potential uses of the iPhone.
To read more about the potential uses of the iPhone , visit Iphone Potential.com There you will find a more information on free iPhone apps.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kyle_Gentile
What's an IPhone Web App?
What's an IPhone Web App ? By Corey T Bruhn
In covering the opening of the Apple iPhone App Store, we came across a niche of iPhone applications called Web Apps that are as prodigious as the many virtues of the iPhone themselves.
A Web App, short for Web Application, blends the power and versatility of the internet with the functionality and ease-of-use of multi-touch technology. And the Apple website has more than 1,700 of them. You can download web apps that allow you to check on movie times, public transportation routes, fares, and schedules, the latest sports results, lottery numbers, stock moves, gas prices, find recipes, manage your home budget, seek and land employment, hear the latest and greatest ringtones, and help you stay on top of what your favorite bloggers have to say today. Play familiar games like Bejeweled, Sudoku, Chess, Tic-Tac-Toe, Mancala, and many of modern video gaming's more innovative inventions. Connect with your peeps on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, and social bookmarking sites like Digg, Fav.or.ite, and StumbleUpon. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Entertainment, calculators, news, productivity tools, search tools, sports, travel, weather, utilities - you can find web apps to fulfill nearly every need imaginable, allowing to further customize your iPhone to serve you in the most ways possible. Everyone who's anyone has a web app now - YouTube, ESPN, Reuters, AOL, Bravo, the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, NASA, and of course, the inimitable online giant Google. To make it even more convenient, you can select your favorite web apps and add them to your iPhone Home Screen with its very own Web Clip (those icon-based buttons) for quick and easy access. Now, Apple didn't invent the concept of the web app, mind you, though they might very well have perfected it. People have been designing Java web apps, Python web apps, and other web applications in practically every web 2.0 friendly programming language in existence. But you couldn't find very many compatible with your iPhone, until now. Apple-savvy developers can even design their own web apps for distribution on the Apple site. Just sign up for a free online membership to Apple Developer Connection (ADC) and submit your best programs for the world of iPhone users to enjoy. Apple even offers clear and extensive guidelines and instructions on how to produce web apps worthy of the iPhone so that you really can put out your best work. Web app developers can even find in-depth information online on promoting and marketing their web apps so that they wind up on the most iPhone's home screens possible.
Corey Bruhn is the owner of iPhone Mobile Mob, http://www.iphonemobilemob.com who specializes in reporting news, updates and unique features of the Apple iPhone. Download our FREE iPhone Ebook to find out more about your iPhone.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Corey_T_Bruhn